The Taskforce is a highly collaborative coalition of leaders from over 20 organizations who volunteer their time to collaborate and serve their PI community in the Bay Area.
We enhance awareness and visibility of Pacific Islander health inequalities and social issues through advising the county’s public health department.
Unifying Pacific Islanders across the Bay Area to address community needs through sustainable cross-system collaboration.
We envision a thriving Pacific Islander faith-based, community organization, and small businesses to ensure Health, Well-being, and Prosperity.
RPITF values Honor, Respect and Dignity
Polynesia consists of several groups of islands forming a triangle including Hawaii, the Easter Islands, and New Zealand. Melanesia includes Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu Islands, and New Caledonia. Micronesia is divided into eight territories which include Guam, Kiribati, and the Marshall Islands.
The Taskforce adopted a life-course model as a framework that strategically prioritizes, for instance, housing as a fundamental need and follows a life span to see how the interplay of risk and protective factors influence health through a Pacific Islander’s lifetime—from prenatal health to birth outcomes and across the life-course.
Analyzing the multiple factors influencing both individual and population health over the life course offers a broader understanding of patterns of health and disease disparities by recognizing how these are shaped by social, structural, and cultural contexts.
PARTNERSHIP WITH THE BAY AREA REGIONAL HEALTH INEQUITIES INITIATIVE (BARHII) Designed a data disaggregation plan for Pacific Islanders and will expand across all 10-counties in the Bay Area.
Established first regional Data sub-committee workgroup conversation across all three-county leadership and the new addition of Santa Clara County as director Sara Cody agree to join in this data disaggregated initiative and appointed one epidemiologist from each county to be a part of the Data committee to design a plan. This is facilitated by BARHII with guidance from Taskforce Date sub-committee.
(Housing | Maternal, Child and Infant Health | Data | Behavioral and Mental Health | Population Health) as a result. of 5 regional convening with the three counties